
We recommend 1.000-Kg coils for the baling machine

This article is for those who have always used 500 kg coils. Here we will explain why you should upgrade your machine with 1000 kg coils to save time and economic resources.

Three/Two ways to update your baling machine

There are two options available to you if you want to use 1000 kg coils in your manufacturing facility

1) If you have an internal carpenter, we recommend you change the height position of the pulleys from 2 to 4 metres, which makes it easier to unwind the coil and prevents the wire jamming due to insufficient space. We also suggest that you maintain a distance of 1.2 metres between the structures and a distance of 15 or 20 cm between each spool. These measures make it easier to open the bailing tape on the bale..
2) If you don’t have a professional within the company, we strongly recommend that you contact the manufacturer for specific advice.

Two solutions for companies that lack space

Many customers justify the choice of 500 kg bales with their lack of space. Here are two easy tips to improve your productivity and start using 1000 kg coils.

1) As an alternative to fixed structures, we suggest the use of movable wire feed trolleys as shown in the photo above. The wire feed trolley system makes manoeuvring the new 1000 kg coils simpler, easier and safer.
2) If you decide not to use the classic trolley system, we strongly recommend that you adopt the XSystem™ system shown in the photograph below. The XSystem will solve many of the problems described below:
 – The system is much more stable during all stages of transportation
– The XSystem is an economical alternative to a reel inside of the baling machine, guaranteeing excellent performance during the unwinding process
– This system is used in conjunction with a pallet, making it possible to move the coil without damaging the iron wire with pliers and avoiding misalignments and possible abrasions of the material

BWR, the best baling wire for baling machines

Most customers require baling machine manufacturers to provide versatile, efficient systems which can bale materials such as plastic, paper, biomasses, CDR, etc. Iron wire is a consumable par excellence for recycling companies, and must be continually updated and improved in order to keep pace with these hi-tech systems. When a customer chooses BWR iron wire it is because they are aware of a fact that we are extremely proud of: BWR is the only iron wire in the world designed specifically to maximise the productivity of baling machines. Click here to find out more about BWR.

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© Copyright Bottaro Mario S.r.l. - All rights reserved