
The new video on BWG®Plus and zinc savings is online

Presentation to the associations of galvanizers GAA and Galvazinc.

Bottaro presents his new study on the thicknesses of BWG™ Plus to the GAA (Galvanizers Association of Australia) and Galvazinc through a video.

The difficulties in traveling continue but the company’s business does not stop. Thus, for the first time, this year Bottaro participates online in the General Assembly of the Australian Association of Galvanizers and in the meeting of the technical committee of Galvazinc. On these occasions Bottaro officially presented the studies on the high thickness diameters (from 3 to 5 mm) of the BWG™ Plus – the hot dip galvanizing wire – as a solution to save zinc.

The video is now available on the website and on all the company’s social channels