

A empresa BOTTARO MARIO S.r.l. dá continuidade à sua atividade normal, adotando medidas de higienização dos locais de trabalho, com cautela e prevenção durante a carga e descarga de mercadorias.

Novate Milanese, 9 de março de 2020

Caros clientes, informamos que a transposição do Decreto do Presidente do Conselho de Ministros da República Italiana de 8 de março de 2020 não determinará o bloqueio das nossas atividades produtivas nem da circulação de mercadorias a nível internacional.

Specifically, iron wire does not fall within the export product categories that could cause bacterial proliferation and contagion from COVID-2019.

Therefore, the company BOTTARO MARIO S.r.l. continues its regular activity by adopting measures to sanitize the workplace, using caution and prevention during the loading and unloading of goods.

Customers that will organize transport independently are required to equip their staff with medical devices for prevention and protection such as disposable masks and gloves and to maintain a safety distance of at least 1 meter in case the loading operations require the descent from the vehicle.

The transport documentation is also available electronically.

We thank you for your attention and remain at your disposal for any further clarification.

Best Regards